
Will Your Baby Cost You a Raise?

I’ll cost you big bucks (Photo: Getty Images)

Children, it appears, are more expensive than we thought.

We all know about diapers and formula (or a breast pump) and eventually college. But a pair of recent studies suggest that having babies might cost more than we thought. It’s not just that your expenses go up when you have a kid. …

What if Tax Rates Were Set by Lottery?

One of the big reasons people argue against raising taxes for the richest Americans is that higher taxes make people less inclined to work. The result is that raising taxes at some point doesn’t raise any more tax income for the government. This is in effect the famous Laffer Curve.

I’m not sure I believe that. I think people, …

March Madness: Stocks Are Up 68%

Last March we all thought the world economy—not to mention our cherished lifestyle —was headed for the trash basket. The stock market had plunged, retirement plans were ruined, and few people cared that equities looked dirt cheap. But here we are one year later and the stock market is up 68%, rampant fear has morphed into uneasy …

The Real Economic Cost of Snow

How much does a snow storm cost? Every year, on days like the one we are having today on the East Coast and in the Midwest (according to this map 63% of the United States is covered in snow today), economic forecasters try to estimate the impact of all the white stuff falling from the sky. The numbers are always huge. And they are always …