You Might Be Too Much of a Cheapskate If …

You reuse facial tissues. You’ve installed more shelves to handle the hundreds of rolls of toilet paper you bought on sale. You risk getting into a car accident because you don’t want to waste windshield wiper fluid needed for a clear view of the road.

The Argument for ‘Cheap’ Sex

“When sex is dirt cheap, we’re much more likely to go at it like rabbits. Couple O has been together for 15 years and has a great sex life. They keep it affordable. If they’re tired, they make it quick. Maybe they don’t even bother to take their shirts off.”

Does the turmoil in Egypt threaten the global recovery?

At first glance, the upheaval on the Nile might seem far removed from the world of Wall Street and Main Street. Egypt is not a major participant in global manufacturing networks, nor is Cairo a significant financial hub. But Egypt’s political crisis could have implications for the global economy nevertheless. That’s because the