Shall we call the new bank bailout the FSP, the FiSt Plan, or something else?

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It looks like the Treasury Department will simply be calling its new-look bank bailout the Financial Stability Plan, which doesn’t form a fun acronym at all. That’s probably the reason Tim Geithner picked it, of course. But it shouldn’t stop us. For one thing, if you take the first two letters of the first two words (and why on earth wouldn’t you), that gives you the FiSt Plan. (Pow! Take that, bad assets!) For another, given the lameness of FSP, our rename-the-TARP contest remains open until … well, until we have time to focus it.

Update: While the overall plan will be called the Financial Stability Plan, the replacement for TARP proper is actually the Financial Stability Trust. FST. FiST!